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Imposter syndrome can silently erode an organization’s productivity and morale. As an employer, recognizing and addressing this issue is crucial for maintaining a healthy workplace. Many talented employees, despite their achievements, struggle with self-doubt and fear of being exposed as “frauds.” This can lead to anxiety, burnout, and a reluctance to take on new challenges. Understanding how to identify an employee with imposter syndrome and provide the right support can help you boost your team’s well-being and performance.


Here, we’ll share three signs that an employee might be struggling with imposter syndrome and how you can help them overcome it!


Key takeaways

Here are some key takeaways on imposter syndrome 

  1. Signs of an employee with imposter syndrome
  2. How to help employees overcome imposter syndrome


1. Signs of an employee with imposter syndrome

It’s not uncommon for employees to occasionally doubt their skills in modern workplaces. However, when these doubts persist and affect their work, it might indicate imposter syndrome. This can significantly impact your team’s morale and productivity. So, let’s look at three signs that an employee might be experiencing imposter syndrome.


a. Signs of isolation

One of the earliest signs of imposter syndrome is when employees start isolating themselves. This may manifest in not returning emails or being cagey, making it hard to talk to them. It’s crucial to note that while solitude can sometimes be good for concentration, excessive isolation can be a red flag. 

Furthermore, a study by McKinsey found that employees who feel included in their workplaces are 9 times more likely to look forward to work. If an employee withdraws, it might be a protective mechanism to hide perceived inadequacies. As employers, encouraging open communication and regularly checking in can help break these barriers and makes you a better manager


b. Self-degrading comments

Employees suffering from imposter syndrome often undervalue their success and attribute it to external factors.

  • Those with imposter syndrome tend to be very negative about themselves, and their behaviors can be self-sabotaging.
  • This is usually because they fear risk-taking.
  • This self-doubt can be detrimental not only to their mental health but also to their ability to contribute effectively at work.

Affirming an employee’s strengths and contributions can remove these feelings. Regular and valuable feedback sessions where accomplishments are acknowledged and celebrated can help reinforce their value to the team.


c. Difficulty coping with work stress

Another significant indicator of imposter syndrome is an employee’s apparent inability to cope with workplace stress.

  • Such employees could be displaying signs of anxiety or stress, and they may attempt to sit out of certain tasks or projects.
  • Often after an accomplishment, they tend to feel relief instead of pride.

It is also important to not how your employees react to praise or positive feedback. Do they accept it graciously, or do they dismiss it as “just luck” or believe they could have done better? Such responses may also be a strong indicator of imposter syndrome.


employee with imposter syndrome 

2. How to help employees overcome imposter syndrome

a. Assess the workplace environment

The first step in helping employees with imposter syndrome is thoroughly assessing the workplace environment. Here are a few questions employers should ask themselves:

  • Is the workplace fair, safe, and equitable?
  • Does it foster good, healthy relationships?
  • Is there bullying?
  • Do people feel excluded? 

Understanding these dynamics is crucial because a negative environment can exacerbate feelings of fraudulence among employees.

Once potential issues are identified, appropriate solutions can be implemented. These might include strategies to combat gender bias or initiatives to promote the representation of underrepresented identities.  

Workplaces should strive to be safe spaces where everyone feels accepted, represented, and supported. These are all important parts of a company culture. This not only helps in reducing instances of imposter syndrome but also enhances overall employee engagement and productivity.


b. Redefine roles and processes

A lack of clear role definition and ambiguous processes can significantly contribute to imposter syndrome. If a role is not clearly defined or processes aren’t clear, that leads the way for the imposter phenomenon to develop. For example, an employee might worry unnecessarily about company policies regarding time off or overtime due to unclear guidelines.

To mitigate this, it’s essential to ensure that all roles and expectations are clearly communicated.

  • Clarity in role expectations reduces anxiety and boosts performance by making responsibilities transparent.
  • This can be particularly beneficial for employees who doubt their capabilities, as it provides them with a solid framework of what is expected of them and how to achieve those expectations.
  • Additionally, regular reviews and updates of job descriptions and workflow processes can help maintain clarity and prevent misunderstandings that may trigger feelings of inadequacy.


c. Encourage open dialogue about imposter syndrome

Moreover, discussing imposter syndrome openly and acknowledging its prevalence can be incredibly helpful in normalizing these experiences among employees. This is because normalizing the condition in group settings and sharing thoughts and experiences helps people better understand the condition and realize that they’re not alone.

Therefore, employers can address the issue and encourage employees to share their feelings without fear of judgment by creating an environment where imposter syndrome is openly discussed. This could involve workshops, team meetings, or even informal discussions where experiences of imposter feelings are shared. Highlighting stories of successful individuals who have overcome similar struggles can provide reassurance and inspire those suffering in silence.

  • Such transparency helps individuals feel understood and supported and builds a culture of trust and openness.
  • A survey by Harvard Business Review highlights that 85% of employees report feeling more engaged when their workplace fosters an inclusive culture.
  • By addressing this issue head-on, leaders can ensure that all team members feel valued and confident in their roles, which is fundamental to both personal and organizational success.



Addressing imposter syndrome effectively requires a comprehensive approach: assessing and improving the workplace environment, clarifying roles and processes, and fostering open discussions about the phenomenon. By implementing these strategies, employers can modify their leadership style to create a supportive culture that not only combats imposter syndrome but also enhances overall employee engagement and productivity.

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